Conserving Rare Elements

Landscope America: The conservation guide to America's natural places

Milo Pyne

Wednesday, October 15, 2008 - 9:30-10:00

LandScope America, a collaborative project of NatureServe and the National Geographic Society, is a new online resource for the land-protection community and the public, aimed at increasing the pace and effectiveness of land and water conservation in the United States. Planned for release in late 2008, LandScope America will bring together maps, data, photos and stories about the land and present them in interactive formats. The LandScope application runs on the user’s web browser and features dynamic pages that bring together spatial and editorial content. The map viewer is built using ESRI’s Arc Web Explorer, a Flex-based application component. LandScope map layers are organized into a set of intuitive pre-packaged map ―themes, such as Conservation Priorities, Ecosystems, and Threats. A unique feature of the map viewer is that it combines interactive map navigation with text searching and menu-driven navigation, thereby allowing users to filter content through a combination of geographic extent, keywords, and conservation themes. MetaLens, an application developed by National Geographic, provides an administrative interface for authorized data providers to publish and geo-tag their multi-media content (photo, video, audio, other) to a shared media repository. The LandScope application exposes these geotagged media assets through the map viewer to enrich the user experience of navigating the map with photos, video and place-based stories.