Karst Ecosystem Management: Cave and Karst Ecological Resources Management.

Useage and management practices for caves and karst for the Southeastern Cave Conservancy, Inc.

Bill Overton

Wednesday, October 15, 2008 - 10:30-11:00

Development of multi purpose database software and management plans for privately owned karst lands and caves for recreation use and resource conservation across the southeastern United States. Management allows for protection of natural occurring resources, native and protected species, as well as artifacts. Both scientific research and recreational access concerns are addressed as is protection for any sensitive features unique to a single preserve, formations, trilobites and bats. With properties spread across six states and oftentimes in remote locations our management goals are shaped to provide resource protection, open access and reasonable usage while providing both flora and fauna conservation for all properties. Adopted management plans must address the ever changing cave environment and delicate ecosystems, urban encroachment, groundwater and surface water pollution and still offer protection. Emphasis to caver friendly access is always paramount in final management plans but limiting visitation or denying access is always an option for all preserves. Protection of resources is sometimes as simple as limiting access with warning signs and other times so difficult that gates and other restrictions are not enough. Over fifteen years of on the job training has developed our management plans but taught us to remain open to the possible need for change. All plans are fluid by nature and the Southeastern Cave Conservancy, Inc remains open to changing or modifying our plans to best protect our resources and lands on a cave by cave basis.