Invasive Exotics Prevention: Promoting Voluntary Codes of Conduct by Engaging the Right Partners

Plants for a livable Delaware

Faith Kuehn

Wednesday, October 15, 2008 - 2:30-3:00

Initiated in 2003 as a VOLUNTARY program, "Plants for a Livable DELAWARE" encouraged nurseries to promote non-invasive, regionally native plants. The premise guiding the program was that education about the negative impacts of invasive plants on natural areas should precede any regulations. Furthermore, if education and voluntary compliance were successful in reducing the volume of invasive plants in the trade, it might not be necessary to develop invasive plant regulations. In 2007, two public forums were held to determine the success of the program. Although deemed to be a good start, the consensus was that "Plants for a Livable Delaware" needed to work towards three goals. First, broaden the general public's and landscape professionals' awareness of invasive plant issues and control through educational workshops, broader media coverage and improved information availability. Second, quantify and qualify the magnitude and extent of invasive plant issues in Delaware, so the situation can be communicated to policy makers in a way that generates action and funding. And finally, develop targeted invasive plant messages that will resonate with audiences "beyond the choir", such as Big Box stores, Development planners, County planners, Landscapers.